Prayers in Worship of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda
These are verses in praise of Lord Sri Caitanya (Nimai), the most recent incarnation of the Supreme, Lord Krishna, who appeared 500 years ago. Then there is the 108 names of Lord Caitanya. These are followed by prayers to Lord Nityananda (Nitai), the incarnation of Lord Krishna's brother, Balarama.
[See my articles on Sri Caitanya and Nityananda Mahaprabhu to learn more about Them.]

Prayers to Lord Caitanya
svardhunyash charu-tire sphuritam ati-brihat-kurma-prishthabha-gatram
ramyaramavritam san-mani-kanaka-mahasadma-sanghaih paritam
nityam pratyalayodyat-pranaya-bhara-lasat-krishna-sankirtanadhyam
shri-vrindatavy-abhinnam tri-jagad-anupamam shri-navadvipam ide
"I praise that holy dham, Navadvipa, which, being entirely nondifferent from Shri Vrindavana, is completely different from the material world consisting of the three planetary systems. It is situated on the gorgeous banks of the Ganges covered by beautiful groves and gardens appearing in form like the back of a gigantic turtle. Situated there are many great palatial houses made of gold bedecked with brilliant jewels, where Krishna-sankirtana is always being performed in the mellow of ecstatic love."
shriman-mauktikadama-baddha-chikuram susmera-chandrananam
shri-khandaguru-charu-chitra-vasanam srag-divya-bhashanchitam
nrityavesha-rasanumoda-madhuram kandarpa-veshojjvalam
caitanyam kanaka-dyutim nija-janaih samsevyamanam bhaje
"I worship Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is being served by all His devotees and associates; whose hair is bound with strings of pearls; on whose moonlike face is the nectar of His gentle smile. His beautiful golden body is covered with lovely garments and various shining ornaments. He is so charming, being absorbed as He is in the enjoyment of sweet mellows in dancing, and is more splendid in His dress than even Cupid himself."
yad advaitam brahmopanishadi tad apy asya tanu-bha
ya atmantaryami purusha iti so 'syamsha-vibhavaha
shad-aishvaryaih purno ya iha bhagavan sa svayam ayam
na chaitanyat krishnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha
"What the Upanishads describe as the impersonal Brahman is but the effulgence of His body, and the Lord known as the Supersoul is but His localized plenary portion. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself, full with six opulences. He is the Absolute Truth, and no other truth is greater than or equal to Him." (Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 1.3)
anarpita-charim chirat karunayavatirnah kalau
samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-shriyam
harih purata-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitaha
sada hridaya-kandare sphuratu vah shacinandanaha
"May that Lord, who is known as the son of Srimati Shacidevi, be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold. He has appeared in the age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation ever offered before: the most sublime and radiant spiritual knowledge of the mellow taste of His service." (Cc. Adi, 1.4.)
radha krishna-pranaya-vikritir hladini-shaktir asmad
ekatmanav api bhuvi pura deha-bhedam gatau tau
chaitanyakhyam prakatam adhuna tad-dvayam chaikyam aptam
radha-bhava-dyuti-suvalitam naumi krishna-svarupam
"The loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krishna are transcendental manifestations of the Lord's internal pleasure-giving potency. Although Radha and Krishna are one in Their identity, They have separated Themselves eternally. Now these two transcendental identities have again united in the form of Sri Krishna Caitanya. I bow down to Him, who has manifested Himself with the sentiment and complexion of Shrimati Radharani although He is Krishna Himself." (Cc.Adi,1.5)
shri-radhayah pranaya-mahima kidrisho vanayaiva-
svadyo yenadbhuta-madhurima kidrisho va madiyaha
saukhyam chasya mad-anubhavatah kidrisham veti lobhat
tad-bhavadhyah samajani shachi-garbha-sindhau harinduhu
"Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful qualities in Him that she alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appears from the womb of Srimati Shachidevi, as the moon appears from the ocean." (Cc. Adi. 1.6)
dheyeyam sada paribhava-ghnam abhishta-doham
tirthaspadam shiva-virinchi-mutam sharanyam
bhrilyarti-ham pranata-pala-bhavabdhi-potam
vande mahapurusha te charanaravindam
"O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O protector of the surrendered souls, You are now playing the role of Your own devotee, and Your lotus feet are the only object of perpetual meditation for the pure living entities. They destroy the material existence of the living entity. They are the fulfiller of all desires, the abode of all holy places, worshipable even by Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva, the shelter of all that exists, the destroyer of the troubles of Your devotees and the only boat for crossing over the ocean of material existence. Therefore I offer my obeisances unto Your lotus feet." (Bhagavatam 11.5.33)
dharmishtha arya-vachasa yadagad aranyam
maya-mrigam dayitayepsitam anvadhavad
vande mahapurusha te charanaravindam
"O Mahaprabhu, You have given up the goddess of fortune (Lakshmi, Your wife), whose glance is desired by the great demigods, and who is the most difficult attachment to renounce. In order to keep the word of some brahmana's curse, You have gone to the forest. Thus to show Your great mercy to the helpless living entities who are following maya--the illusory energy--You have chased after them to give them Your own devotional service. Therefore I offer my humble obeisances unto Your lotus feet." (Bhagavatam 11.5.34)
pancha-tattvatmakam krishnam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam
namami bhakta-shaktikam
"I bow down to Lord Krishna, who appears as a devotee (Lord Caitanya), as His personal expansion (Sri Nityananda), His incarnation (Sri Advaita), His devotee (Sri Srivasa), and His energy (Sri Gadadhara), and who is the source of strength for the devotees." (Cc.Adi.1.14)
tasmai maha-prema-rasa-pradaya
caitanya-chandraya namo namas te
"Obeisances unto Him, Sri Caitanya-chandra, the giver of the mellow of the highest love of Godhead, who is the embodiment of blissful pastimes, and who is so beautiful, having a dazzling luster, like gold." (Chaitanya-chandramrita)
namo maha-vadanyaya
krishna-prema-pradaya te
krishnaya krishna-chaitanya-
namne gaura-tvise namaha
"O most munificent incarnation! You are Krishna Himself appearing as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You have assumed the golden color of Srimati Radharani, and You are widely distributing pure love of Krishna. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You." (Cc.Madhya. 19.53)
Sri Gauranga-Ashtottara-Shata-Nama-Stotram
108 Names of Lord Chaitanya
by Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
1) namaskritya pravaksyami deva-devam jagad-gurum
namnam-ashtotara-shatam caitanyasya mahatmanaha
After offering my respectful obeisances unto the Lord of Lords, Who is the spiritual master of the entire universe, I will now narrate 108 holy names of Lord Chaitanya, the great soul.
2) vishvambharo jita-krodho maya-manusha-vigrahaha
amayi mayinam shreshto vara-desho dvijottamaha
Vishvambhara--He sustains the universe
Jita-krodha--He is victorious over the influence of mundane anger
Maya-manusha-vigraha--He assumes the illusory form of a human
Amayi--He is bereft of fraudulent behavior
Mayinam Shresta--He is the foremost of (transcendental) cheaters
Vara-desha--He appears in the best of lands
Dvijottama--He is the ultimate brahmana
3) jagannatha-priya-sutah pitri-bhakto maha-manaha
lakshmi-kantah shachi-putrah premado bhakta-vatsalah
Jagannatha-priya-suta--He is the dearest son of Jagannatha Mishra
Pitri-bhakta--He is the devotee of His father
Maha-mana--He has great mental power
Lakshmi-kanta--He is the beloved husband of the Goddess of Fortune
Shachi-putra--He is the son of mother Shachi
Premada-He is the bestower of ecstatic loving devotion
Bhakta-vatsala--He is very affectionate to His devotees
4) dvija-priyo dvija-varo vaishnava-prana-nayakaha
dvi-jati-pujakah shantah shrivasa-priya ishvaraha
Dvija-priya--He is dear to the twice-initiated brahmanas
Dvija-vara--He is the best amongst the brahmanas
Vaishnava-prana-nayaka--He is the hero of the devotees' life & soul
Dvi-jati-pujaka--He is the worshiper of the brahmanas
Shanta-He is peaceful and saintly
Shrivasa-priya--He is very dear to Srivasa Pandita
Ishvara--He is the supreme controller
5) tapta-kanchana-gaurangah simha-grivo maha-bhujaha
pita-vasa rakta-pattah sad-bhujo 'tha chatur-bhujaha
Tapta-kanchana-gauranga--His complexion is like molten gold
Simha-griva--His neck is like the lion's
Maha-bhuja--His arms are very muscular
Pita-vasa--He wears yellow cloth (when a householder)
Rakta-patta--He wears red cloth (when a sannyasi)
Sad-bhuja--He exhibits a six-armed form [atha--and furthermore]
Chatur-bhuja--He exhibits a four-armed form
6) dvi-bhujash cha gada-panih chakri padma-dharo 'malaha
pancha-janya-dharah sharngi venu-panih surottamaha
Dvi-bhuja--He exhibits a two armed form [ca--and]
Gada-pani--He holds the mace
Chakri--He holds the discus
Padma-dhara--He holds the lotus
Amala--He is sinless
Pancha-janya-dhara--He holds the Panca-janya conchshell
Sharngi--He holds the bow
Venu-pani--He holds the flute
Surottama--He is the foremost of the demigods
7) kamalaksheshvara prito gopa-liladhara yuva
nila-ratna-dharo rupya-hari kaustubha-bhushanaha
Kamalaksheshvara--He is the Lord of the lotus-eyed Lakshmi
Prita--He is beloved to all living beings
Gopa-liladhara--He is the abode of cowherding pastimes
Yuva--He is supremely youthful
Nila-ratna-dhara--He likes to wear sapphires
Rupya-hari--He likes to wear silver necklaces
Kaustubha-bhushana--He is adorned with the Kaustubha gem
8) shrivatsa-lanchano bhasvan-mani-dhrik kanja-lochanaha
tatanka-nila-shrih rudra-lila-kari guru-priyaha
Shrivatsa-lanchana--He is decorated with the mark of Shrivatsa
Bhasvan-mani-dhrik--His form is embellished with many beautiful jewels
Kanja-lochana--He has lotus petal-shaped eyes
Tatanka-nila-shri--His majesty is enhanced by sapphire earrings
Rudra-lila-kari--He sometimes enacts the pastimes of Lord Shiva
Guru-priya--He is very dear to His spiritual master
9) sva-nama-guna-vakta-cha namopadesha-dayakaha
achandala-priyah shuddhah sarva-prani-hite rataha
Sva-nama-guna-vakta--He is aware of the attributes of His own holy name
Namopadesha-dayaka--He imparts teachings about the holy names
Achandala-priya--He is dear even to the lowest outcastes
Shuddha--His character is totally immaculate
Sarva-prani-hite-rata--He is engaged in the welfare of all living beings
10) vishvarupanujah sandhyavatarah shitalashayaha
nihsima-karuno gupta atma-bhakti-pravartakaha
Vishvarupanuja--He is the younger brother of Vishvarupa
Sandhyavatara--He incarnated during the time of dusk
Shitalashaya--He is desirous of cooling the burning sufferings of living beings
Nihsima-karuna--His compassion is limitless
Gupta--He is very secretive
Atma-bhakti-pravartaka--He preaches devotion unto the true Self
11) mahanando nato nritya-gita-nama-priyah kavihi
arti-priyah shuchih shuddho bhavado bhagavat-priyaha
Mahananda--He is absorbed in the greatest bliss
Nata--He behaves as a dramatic actor
Nritya-gita-nama-priya--He is fond of dancing, singing & chanting the holy names
Kavi--He is a learned scholar and poet
Arti-priya--He is dear to those who are suffering
Shuchi--He is meticulously clean
Shuddha--He is spotlessly pure
Bhavada--He confers ecstatic loving emotions
Bhagavat-priya--He is intimate with the great devotees
12) indradi-sarva-lokesha-vandita-shri-padambujaha
nyasi-chudamanih krishnah sannyasashrama-pavanaha
Indradi-sarva-lokesha-vandita-shri-padambuja--His divine lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Indra and all the rulers of various heavenly planets
Nyasi-chudamani--He is the crest jewel of renunciates
Krishna--He is the all attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead
Sannyasashrama-pavana--He is the purifier of the renounced order
13) chaitanya krishna-chaitanya danda-dhrig nyasta-dandakaha
avadhuta-priyo nityananda-shad-bhuja-darshakaha
Chaitanya--He is the living force of all creation
Krishna-Chaitanya--He is the all-attractive living force
Danda-dhrik--He carries the staff of the renounced order
Nyasta-dandaka--He abandons the staff of the renounced order
Avadhuta-priya--He is dear to the divine madman (Srila Nityananda Prabhu)
Nityananda-sad-bhuja-darshaka--He shows His six-armed form to Nityananda
14) mukunda-siddhi-do dino vasudevamrita-pradaha
gadadhara-prana-natha arti-ha sharana-pradaha
Mukunda-siddhi-da--He gives perfection to His devotee Mukunda
Dina--He behaves with meek and humble mannerisms
Vasudevamrita-prada--He gives nectar to this devotee Vasudeva (the leper)
Gadadhara-prana-natha--He is the Lord of the life of Gadadhara Pandita
Arti-ha--He removes the distress of His devotees
Sharana-prada--He bestows ultimate shelter to His devotees
15) akinchana-priyah prano guna-grahi jitendriyaha
adosha-darshi sumukho madhurah priya-darshanaha
Akinchana-priya--He is dear to those who possess nothing
Prana--He is the life and soul of all creation
Guna-grahi--He accepts only the good qualities of others
Jitendriya--He is victorious over the influence of the material senses
Adosha-darshi--He is blind to the faults of others
Sumukha--He has a pleasant face
Madhura--He is supremely sweet
Priya-darshana--He is very precious to behold
16) pratapa-rudra-samtrata ramananda-priyo guruhu
ananta-guna-sampannah sarva-tirthaika-pavanaha
Pratapa-rudra-samtrata--He delivers Maharaja Pratapa Rudra from obstacles
Ramananda-priya--He is the beloved of Ramananda Raya
Guru--He is the spiritual master of every living being
Ananta-guna-sampannah--He is endowed with limitless good qualities
Sarva-tirthaika-pavana--He is the sole purifier of all places of pilgrimage
17) vaikuntha-natho lokesho bhaktabhimata-rupa-dhrik
narayano maha-yogi jnana-bhakti-pradah prabhuhu
Vaikuntha-natha--He is the Lord of the spiritual world of no anxiety
Lokesha--He is the Lord of all the material planets
Bhaktabhimata-rupa-dhrik--He assumes different forms according to the desires of His devotees
Narayana--He is the supreme shelter for all living beings
Maha-yogi--He is the greatest performer of yoga
Jnana-bhakti-pradah--He imparts intellectual knowledge of devotion
Prabhu--He is the Lord and Master of all
18) piyusha-vachanah prithvi-pavanah satya-vak sahaha
oda-desha-jananandi sandohamrita-rupa-dhrik
Piyusha-vachana--His words emit showers of pure nectar
Prithvi-pavana--He is the savior of the earth
Satya-vak--He speaks truthfully
Saha--He can endure all forms of misery
Oda-desha-jananandi--He delights the people of Orissa
Sandohamrita-rupa-dhrik--He embodies the form of all universal nectar
19) yah pathed pratar utthaya chaitanyasya mahatmanaha
shraddhaya parayopetah stotram sarvagha-nashanam
prema-bhaktir harau tasya jayate natra samshayaha
It is recommended that upon rising in the morning, one faithfully approach and recite this transcendental sin-destroying prayer to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the great soul. One who does will feel the awakening of ecstatic loving devotion unto Lord Hari; of this there is no doubt.
20) asadhya-roga-yukto 'pi muchyate roga-sankatat
sarvaparadha-yukto 'pi so 'paradhat pramucyate
Even if one is afflicted with an incurable disease, one becomes freed from all danger of the ailment. Even if one has committed all types of offenses, one becomes freed from their effects.
21) phalguni-paurnamasyan tu chaitanya-janma-vasare
shraddhaya paraya bhaktya maha-stotram japan purch
yad yat prakurute kamam tat tad evachiral labhet
If one chants this great prayer with faith and transcendental devotion on Lord Chaitanya's appearance day (the full moon day in the month of Phalguna), then one perpetually attains the fulfillment of their each and every pure desire.
22) aputro vaishnavam putram labhate natra-samshayaha
ante chaitanya-devasya smritir bhavati shashvati
If a devotee couple wishes to have a child but are unable, then they will obtain a Vaishnava child without a doubt. And at the time of death, they will attain remembrance of Sri Chaitanya-deva and enter His eternal pastimes.
Prayers to Lord Nityananda
nityanandam aham naumi
sarvananda-karam param
hari-nama-pradam devam
"I bow down to the Supreme Lord Nityananda Prabhu, who is the awarder of the highest joy to all, the bestower of the holy name and the crest jewel of all paramahamsa mendicants."
sankarsanah karana-toya-shayi
garbhoda-shayi cha payobdhi-shayi
sheshash cha yasyamsha-kalah sa nitya-
nandakhya-ramah sharanam mamastu
"May Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of my constant remembrance. Sankarshana, Shesha Naga and the Vishnus who lie on the Karana Ocean [Maha-Vishnu], Garbha Ocean [Garbodakashayi Vishnu] and ocean of milk [Kshirodakashayi Vishnu] are His plenary portions and the portion of His plenary portions." (Cc.Adi.1.7)
mayatite vyapi-vaikuntha-loke
purnaishvarye shri-chatur-vyuha-madhye
rupam yasyodbhati sankarshanakhyam
tam shri-nityananda-ramam prapadye
"I surrender unto the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, who is known as Sankarshana in the midst of the chatur-vyuha (consisting of Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha). He possesses full opulences and resides in Vaikunthaloka, far beyond the material creation." (Cc.Adi.1.8)
shete sakshat karanambhodhi-madhye
yasyaikamshah shri-puman adi-devas
tam shri-nityananda-ramam prapadye
"I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, whose partial representation called Karanodakashayi Vishnu, lying on the Karana Ocean, is the original purusha, the master of the illusory energy, and the shelter of all the universes." (Cc.Adi.1.9)
yasyamshamsha shrila-garbhoda-shayi
yan-nabhy-abjam loka-sanghata-nalam
loka-srashtuh sutika-dhama dhatus
tam shri-nityananda-ramam prapadye
"I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakashayi Vishnu. From the navel of Garbhodakashayi Vishnu sprouts the lotus that is the birthplace of Brahma, the engineer of the universe. The stem of that lotus is the resting place of the multitude of planets." (Cc.Adi.1.10)
yasyamshamshamshah paratmakhilanam
poshta vishnur bhati dugdhabdhi-shayi
kshauni-bharta yat-kala so 'py anantas
tam shri-nityananda-ramam prapadye
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, whose secondary part is the Vishnu lying in the ocean of milk. That Kshirodakashayi Vishnu is the Supersoul of all living entities and the maintainer of all the universes. Shesha Naga is His further sub-part." (Cc.Adi.1.11)
vande shri-krishna-chaitanya-
nityanandau sahoditau
gaudodaye pushpavantau
chitra shandau tamo-nudau
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Krishna Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, who are like the sun and moon. They have arisen simultaneously on the horizon of Gauda to dissipate the darkness of ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow benediction upon all." (Cc.Adi.1.2.)
shri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
shri-adwaita gadadhara shrivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Nityananda
by Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura
(Translations by Srila Gour Govinda Svami)
sarac-candra-bhrdntim sphurad-amala-kantim gaja-gatim
hari-premonmattam dhrta-parama-sattvam smita-mukham
sadaghurnan-netram kara-kalita-vetram kali-bhidam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Sri Nityananda Prabhu's face is more beautiful and cooling than the autumnal moon. The effulgence coming out from His body is supremely beautiful. He always moves like a mad elephant, since He is always intoxicated with krsna-prema (love of God). He is always mad after krsna-prema. His body is completely pure spiritual energy. He always has a smiling face. His eyes are very fickle, moving to and fro. His lotus hand always holds a glowing staff. Yes, that is Sri Nityananda, who by the beating of that staff, destroys all our reactions of Kali-yuga. We should take shelter of Sri Nityananda and cry for the mercy of Sri Nityananda! He is the root of krsna-prema bhakti-kalpa-taru, the root of the tree of loving devotion unto Krsna. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
rasanam agaram svajana-gana-sarvasvam atulam
sada-premonmadam param aviditam manda-manasam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Sri Nityananda Prabhu is the reservoir of all transcendental mellows. He is the life and soul of all the devotees. Nobody can compare to Him in all the three planetary systems. He is very dear to one and all. He is the beloved husband of Sri Vasudha and Sri Jahnava. He is always in an ecstatic mood of love! Always maddened and intoxicated with that mellow of love, krsna-prema. He is unknown to crooked and evil-minded persons. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
sacl-sunu-prestham nikhila-jagad-istam sukha-mayam
kalau majjaj-jivoddharana-karanodddma-karunam
harer dkhydndd vd bhava-jaladhi-garvonnati-haram
bhaje nitydnandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Lord Nityananda is very dear to Sriman Gaurahga Mahaprabhu. He always does good to the whole universe. He is always supremely bliss-ful. He is the embodiment of supreme happiness and blissfulness. He comes to this material world in this Kali-yuga to deliver the sinful persons. There is no limit to His mercy. He constantly does nama-sankirtana, (congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names) destroying the pride of this dreadful ocean of material existence. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
aye bhratar ninam kali-kalusinam kim nu bhuvita
tatha prayascittam racaya yad-anayasata ime
vrajanti tvam ittham saha bhagavata mantrayati yo
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Lord Nityananda tells Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu, "0 brother, what will happen to those most distressed and fallen jivas of Kali-yuga? What will happen to them unless You shower Your mercy on them? Please show them a way for their deliverance by which they can approach and get Your lotus feet." He always talks to Sriman Mahaprabhu like this. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
yathestham re bhratah kuru hari-hari-dhvanam anisam
tato vah samsarambudhi-tarana-dayo mayi laget
idam bahu-sphotair atati ratayan yah pratigrham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Lord Nityananda goes to every doorstep and requests everyone with folded hands, "0 my dear brothers, all of you engage yourselves in the chanting of hari-nama (chanting the holy names of Hari). If you do this and follow My instruction, I promise that you will very easily cross over this dreadful ocean of material existence." I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
balat samsarambhonidhi-harana-kumhhodbhavam aho
satam sreyah-sindhunnati-kumuda-bandhum samuditam
khala-sreni-sphurjit-timira-hara-surya-prabham aham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
Like Agastya Muni, who by drinking a handful of water made all the oceans dry up, He forcibly swallows the ocean of repeated birth and death. He arose like a moon to swell up the ocean of mercy for the welfare of the jivas. He very easily destroys the sinful reactions of the most sinful degraded persons. He is very dear to the devotees. He is always busy doing good to the devotees. He is like the sun that dispels the darkness of the ignorant fools which descended by their sinful activities. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
natantam gayantam harim anuvadantam pathi pathi
vrajantam pasyantam svam api na dayantam janu-ganam
prakurvantam santam sa-karuna-drg-antam prakalanad
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-turu-kandam niravadhi
He is always dancing and chanting, "Haribol! Haribol!" Uttering the name of Hari. He always engages in hari-nama-sankirtana. He always wanders on the streets of every city, town, and village casting His merciful glance over His dear devotees. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-hhakti-vrksa.
su-bibhranam bhratuh kara-sarasijam komalataram
mitho vaktralokocchalitu-paramananda-hridayam
bhramantam madhuryair ahaha madayantam pura-janan
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
He moves with Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu holding His very soft lotus-like palm. He always looks at the moon-like beautiful face of Sri Gauracandra and becomes ecstatic and blissful! And Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu also looks at the moon-like, beautiful face of Sri Nitai. In this way, the two of Them are completely filled with blissfulness. He always makes all the inhabitants of the towns and cities wherever He goes mad with the intoxication of His beauty. I do my bhajana of Lord Nityananda, the very root of the krsna-bhakti-vrksa.
rasanam adharam rasika-vara-sad-vaisnava-dhanam
rasagaram saram patita-tati-taram smaranataha
param nityanandastakam idum apurvam pathati yah
tad-anghri-dvandvabjam sphuratu nitaram tasya hridaye
Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura says, "Whoever reads and recites with firm faith this Sri Nityanandastakam, will have the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu soon revealed to him. These eight verses are the essence of bhakti-rasa. They are the life and soul of all rasika-bhaktas and the reservoir of all mellows. Lord Nityananda is the essence of the universe, the three planetary systems, and by His remembrance, the sinful reactions of all sinful persons are destroyed."
12 Names of the Moonlike Nityananda Prabhu by Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
One who recites these 12 auspicious holy names of the moonlike Nityananda-candra everyday between 6 - 8.30 a.m. will become free from all difficulties, and attain all his most cherished desires. Very soon he will receive the mercy of Shri Caitanya-deva.
nityanando ´vadhutendur, vasudha-prana-vallabhah
jahnavi-jivita-patih, krishna-prema-pradah prabhu
Shri Nityananda Prabhu is the embodiment of eternal bliss. He is the moon of all avadhutas, and the beloved of the life-breath of Vasudha (his wife). Lord Nityananda is the husband enthusing Jahnavi with life. Nityananda Rama bestows ecstatic love for Krishna, and He is the Lord and Master of the devotees.
Padmavati-sutah shriman, shaci-nandana-purvajah
Bhavonmatto jagat-trata, rakta-gaura-kalevarah
Shri Nityananda is the dear son of Padmavati, and He is full of splendrous transcendental majesty. Nitai is the older brother of Shacimata´s son Nimai. Nityananda Avadhuta is maddened in overwhelming ecstatic emotions. Shri Nityananda Prabhu is the saviour of the universe. His complexion is golden tinged with red.
My Most Merciful Nitai
By Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura
are bhai! nitai amar doyara avadhi!
jivere karuna kori,' dese dese phiri' phiri'
prema-dhana jache nirabadhi
adwaitera sange ranga, dharane na jaya anga,
gora-preme gada tanu khani
dhuliya dhuliya chale, bahu tuli' hari bole,
du-nayane bahe nitaiera pani
kapale tilaka sobhe, kutila-kuntala-lole
gunjara antuni chuda taya
kesarijiniya kati, kati tate niladhati
bajana nupura ranga paya
bhubana-mohana besa! majaila sava desa!
rasd bese atta atta hasa!
prabhu mora nityananda kevala ananda-kanda
guna gaya vrindavana dasa
1. 0 Brothers! My Nitai's mercy is limitless. He wanders village to village giving prema-dhana (the mood of love of God) to one and all.
2. He always cuts jokes with Sri Advaita Acarya. His whole body is made of love for Gauranga Mahaprabhu. He is always intoxicated with prema-rasa. An intoxicated person is unable to walk properly. How does He walk? Like that: dhuliya dhuliya chale. Raising His arms and saying, "Haribol! Haribol! Haribol!" and shedding tears from His two lotus eyes.
3. Nice tilaka and curly locks beautifully decorate His forehead. His hair is bound up with red gunja. A blue belt encircles His lion-like waist. His feet look red. He wears nupura on his reddish feet always making a tinkling, tinkling sound.
4. His beauty enchants the whole world. Always absorbed in prema-rasa, He smiles and laughs! —Atta atta hasa! Vrndavana dasa sings, "Lord Nityananda Prabhu is my Prabhu (master). He's full of nothing but pleasure."
My Lord Nitai is the Jewel of all Transcendental Qualities
By Srila Locana dasa Thakura
nitai guna-mani amara, nitai guna-mani
aniya premera banya bhasailo avani
premera banya loiya nitai aila gauda-dese
dubilo bhakata-gana dina hina bhase
dina hina patita pamara nahi bachhe
brahmara durlabha prema sabakare jache
abaddha karuna-sindhu katiya muhana
ghare ghare bule prema-amiyara bana
lochan bole hena nitai jeba na bhajilo
janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo
It is said that Srila Nityananda Prabhu is more merciful, more magnanimous, more munificent than Sriman Gauranga (Sri Caitanya) Mahaprabhu.
1. My Nitai is the jewel of transcendental qualities, the jewel of transcendental qualities. Bringing the flood of prema, He inundated the earth.
2. Sri Nitai came to Gauda-desa with a flood of krishna-prema. dubilo bhakata-gana dina hind bhase, those who are bhaktas drowned in that flood, premera banya. But the dina hina, the fallen souls and unfortunate, floated on the surface!
3. Lord Nityananda Prabhu offers this pure love of Godhead, pure love of Krishna indiscriminately. He distributes this prema with two hands! He never discriminates whether one is patita or pamara: most degraded, most fallen or most elevated, qualified or not qualified. He never discriminates. Even it is very difficult for Brahma to get such prema. But Sri Nitai gives indiscriminately.
4. That prema is karuna-sindhu—like an ocean of mercy. Nitai broke down the strong embankment of the ocean of love. Completely devastated that dam! That ocean of love is an unlimited ocean of love. So then there was a heavy rush flowing, heavy rush! Such a flood came. A flood in every home. That flood came to every home. It inundated the whole world!
5. Locana says, "He is an unfortunate fellow who does not take shelter of Nitai and does not do the bhajana of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, begging for the mercy of Sri Nitai. He willingly commits suicide.
The Market Place of the Holy Name
By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nam-hatta jivera karana
(sraddhavan jana he, sraddhavan jana he)
prabhura ajnay, bhai, magi ei bhiksha
bolo krsna, bhajo krsna, koro krsna-shiksa
aparadha-shunya ho 'ye leha krsna-nama
krsna mata, krsna pita, krsna dhana-prana
krsnera samsara koro chadi anacara
jive doya, krsna-nama-sarva-dharma-ssra
1. Nityananda Mahajana so mercifully opened a marketplace in Nadiya-Godruma for the welfare of the suffering souls. In that market place only the Holy Name is traded.
2. What is the price? sraddhavana jana he! sraddhavana jana he! Those who have faith in the Holy Name and faith in the words of sadhu, sastra, guru. This is the price! Faith! Only those persons are allowed to enter that marketplace. They can buy and sell the Holy Name. Sri Nityananda Prabhu requests the faithful persons, those who have developed faith in the Holy Name, to come and take it! Sri Nityananda Prabhu says, 'This is the order of My Lord! My Prabhu! My Master! Therefore I have come to your doorstep, 0 brother! I am a beggar! I beg for these alms. 'Utter the name of Krsna! Do krsna-bhajana! Accept what Krsna has taught us!' These are the alms I am begging from you.
3. Chant this Holy Name without offense. Chant the pure Name of Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna is Mother, Sri Krishna is Father, Sri Krishna is wealth and asset. Sri Krishna is the Lord of my heart, Sri Krishna is life and soul, Krishna is everything.
4. Give up all your bad dealings, habits, and behavior and enter into krsna-samsara. The only relationship is with Sri Krishna, establish yourself in that relationship. Shower mercy on all the jivas seeing them as Sri Krishna's and completely surrender unto the Holy Name of Sri Krishna. This is the essence of all dharma.
This Holy Name is So Sweet
By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
hare krsna hare
nitai ki nam eneche re
(nitai) nam eneche, namer hate
sraddha-mulye nam diteche re
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare re
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare re
(nitai) jiver dasa malina dekhe',
nam eneche braja theke re
e nam siva jape pancha-mukhe re
(madhur e harinam)
e nam brahma jape catur-mukhe re
(madhur e harindm)
e nam narada jape bina-jantre re
(madhur e harindm)
e nama base ajamilo vaikunthe gelo re
e nam bolte bolte braje calo re
(bhaktivinoda bole)
Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai (Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda) are so wonderfully merciful. They brought this harinama from Goloka-Vrndavana. Golokera prema-dhana hari-nama sankirtana. It doesn't belong to this material world. Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai brought it here because they are so wonderfully merciful. Who is the custodian of nam-hatta? Sri Nitai! Nama-hatta means marketplace. A market-place where the (holy) name is sold and purchased. What is the price? The price is unflinching faith. He who has strong faith, unflinching faith in the Holy Name and faith in the words of sadhu, sastra, Sri Guru and Sri Krishna, only he can purchase it. The market is always eternally open.
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare re
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare re
Sri Nitai is more merciful than Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Sri Gaurasundara (Lord Caitanya) is wonderfully merciful. Sri Nitai is more merciful than Sri Gaurasundara. Sri Nitai is so merciful. He saw that the jivas have been suffering here, drowning in this ocean of materialistic existence from time immemorial. His heart bleeds, so Sri Nitai felt love, affection and compassion for them. He became sympathetic for the suffering souls, so He brought the Holy Name from Sri Vrajabhumi for those Kali-yuga people.
Lord Sivaji with His five faces is chanting this madhura e harinama; this is so sweet this harinama! Lord Brahma chants this Sri- nama with His four faces, because it is so sweet!
Sri Narada Muni sings this Holy Name with his stringed instrument,
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
All are chanting because it is so sweet!
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "By only obtaining the namabhasa stage (offenseless chanting), Ajamila, a greatly sinful person was delivered. All his sinful reactions were destroyed, then at last he went to Vaikuntha!" So Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "Just chant this Name, utter this Holy Name and go to Sri Vrajabhumi."
Sri Nityananda Prabhu Never Gets Angry
By Srila Locana dasa Thakura
akrodha paramananda nityananda raya
abhimana shunya nitai nagare bedaya
adhama patita jivera dware dware giya
harinama maha mantra dena bilaiya
jare dekhe tare kahe dante trina dhori'
amare kiniya laha bhaja gaurahari
eta boli' nityananda bhume gadi jaya
sonara parvata jena dhulate lotaya
hena avatare jara rati na janmilo
locana bole sei papi elo ara gelo
1. Lord Nityananda Raya never gets angry. He is always in ecstasy, supreme bliss. He has no false ego. He wanders to every town and village in Nadia chanting Hare Krishna, dancing, and offering krsna-prema (love of Krishna) to everyone indiscriminately.
2. Sri Nitai goes to every doorstep and knocks on the door, 'Tap! Tap!Tap!' He goes to those who are very much distressed, degraded, and fallen. He goes to them and gives them krsna-prema. He says, "Please Chant! Please Chant! ": hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna Krishna, hare hare / hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare. If they do not chant and shut the door, then He rolls there on the ground and cries!
3. Whomever He meets, catching a straw between His teeth, He begs, "0 Brothers! Please do the bhajana of Sri Gaurahari and purchase Me, purchase Me, purchase Me."
4. Saying this, Lord Nityananda rolls on the ground in the dust, cries, and sheds tears, looking like a mountain of gold rolling on the ground.
5. Such a merciful incarnation is Lord Nityananda. If someone doesn't develop love for such an incarnation as Sri Nityananda-Rama, Locana says, "Such a sinful person wastes his life, remaining in the cycle of birth and death. He cannot be delivered."
My Dear Lord Nitai! Please Be Merciful To Me
By Srila Kanu Ramadasa Thakura
Doya koro more nitai, doya koro more
agatira gati nitai sadhu loke bole
jaya prema bhakti data-pataka tomara
uttama adhama kichhu na kaila bichara
prema dane jagajanera mana kaila sukhi
tumi hena doyara thakura ami kene dukhi
kanu rama dasa bole ki boliba ami
e bada bharasa more kulera thakura tumi
1. 0 my Nitai, please shower your mercy on me. All sadhus say, "You are so merciful. You give the right destination to the fallen souls."
2. Lord Nityananda has a flag. That flag gives prema-bhakti. He never discriminates whether one is uttama or adhama, most elevated or most degraded. He gives prema-bhakti to one and all.
3. Sri Nityananda Prabhu gives prema to one and all and makes the whole world happy. You are such a merciful Thakura, why am I so unhappy?
4. Kanu Ramadasa says, "What more shall I say? 0 Lord Nityananda, You are the Lord of our parampara; so this is a great hope for me, that You are such a merciful Lord.”
The Lotus Feet of Lord Nityananda
By Srila Narottama dasa Thakura
nitai-pada-kamala, koti-chandra-susitala,
je chayay jagatu juray
heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krsna paite nai,
dridha kori' dharo nitair pay
se sambandha nahi ja'r, britha janma gelo ta'r,
se pashu bodo durachara
nitai na bolilo mukhe, majilo samsara-sukhe,
vidya-kule ki koribe tara
ahankare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya,
asatyere satya kori mani
nitaiyer karuna habe, braje radha-krsna pabe,
dharo nitai-charana du'khani
nitaiyer carana satya, tanhara sevaka nitya,
nitai-pada sada koro asha
narottama bodo dukhi, nitai more koro sukhi,
rakho ranga-charanera pasha
1. The lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are as cool as millions of moons. The whole universe gets peace by the shade of those lotus feet. Without the mercy of Sri Nityananda, nobody can get Radha and Krishna, the aim of human life. Therefore, catch hold of the two lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu very tightly.
2. One who has not established a relationship with Sri Nityananda is a two-legged animal. A great beast! His whole life is finished. He cannot be called a human being. He never utters the name of Sri Nityananda. He is always immersed in enjoying material happiness and has forgotten Sri Nitai. He may have acquired all material scholarship and learning, but what is the value of such education? This will never help.
3. They are so puffed up with their mundane education and scholarship. They are never humble at all. They have forgotten the lotus feet of Sri Nitai because of their false ego and pride. They are completely under the clutches of Maya. They accept the untruth as truth. If Sri Nityananda showers His mercy upon someone, he will get Sri Sri Radha Krishna in Vrajabhumi. So catch hold of the two lotus feet of Lord Nityananda very tightly.
4. The lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are eternally true. And those followers or servants of those lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are also eternal. Always aspire for the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, "I am very distressed, and an unhappy person. I am drowning in this dreadful ocean of material existence. 0 Sri Nityananda Prabhu, please make me very happy! Please keep me at Your lotus feet."
Prayers to Nitai
īsad-ārunya-svarnābham nānalankāra-bhūsitam
hāinam mālinam divyopavītam prema-varshinam
āghūrnita-locanam cha nīlāmbara-dharam prabhum
prema-dam paramānandam nityānandam smarāmy aham
I meditate on Lord Nityananda Prabhu, supreme bliss personified. For bestowing pure love of God, he has created a shower of that love. His body, shining with the luster of red-tinged gold, is decorated with various ornaments and a necklace. Donned in blue garments, he wears a flower garland and divine sacred thread.
śuddha-svarna-vidambi-sundara-tanum ratnādi-bhūshāñchitam
śuklam sūkshma-navāmbarādi-dadhatam sankīrtanaika-priyam
nityānandam aham bhaje sa-karunam premārnavam sundaram
I worship Lord Nityananda, who is the beautiful ocean of prema endowed with compassion and the sole lover of sakītana. His handsome bright form, dressed in fresh fine clothes and decorated with ornaments like precious jewels, derides the glow of pure gold. Possessing the prowess of an intoxicated regal elephant and mad in pure love of God, Lord Nityananda is filled with the streams of tears shed out of that love.
vidyud-dāma-madābhimardana-rucim vistīrna-vakshah-sthalam
nānā-bhūshana-bhūshitam su-madhuram bibhrad-ghanābhāmbaram
sarvānanda-karam param pravara-nityānanda-chandram bhaje
I worship the transcendental moon of the foremost Lord Nityananda, who, being exquisitely sweet, makes everyone blissful. His effulgence defeats the pride of a string-like lightning. His chest is broad and his face extremely pleasing with its shining smile, and its eyes, restless out of pure love of God, making sidelong glances. He wears garments resembling a raincloud and is adorned with various ornaments.
— Translated by Nityananda Das from Śrī Manohara Bhajana Dīpikā, published by Sri Sudhasindhu Das. Govardhan.